Bridget Ambrose

Energy Intuitive Healer

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There comes a time when you are ready to welcome in all of who you are — your divinity, your magic, your medicine. This is your birthright.

We are in the midst of a magical reclamation, the greatest awakening in human history and many of us are ready to reclaim our vitality, repair relationships, heal our nervous systems, live in our purpose, and birth our dreams into our reality.

You are invited to be bold, to trust yourself and the limitless that awaits you. You are invited to heal. What we heal, heals the collective.

Yet how do we hold ourselves through the discomfort in times of change? Do we allow these moments to stretch us? How do we give space for the layers of healing? This is the work of the collective and this is our individual work — the healing journey we’ve signed up for. This is the moment. This is the how we remember our wholeness.

Do we want to sink in despair? Or rise in consciousness?

We get to choose.

The healing journey

We all have our own unique, innate sense of magic flowing through us. Our successes and our failures are what make us who we are. The experiences that have been most challenging are the portals into our greatest gifts. This is part of our healing journey, and it is all of value.

The best healers are those who can connect with their own experience and then connect with your journey to guide you deeper into yourself and the innate wisdom within you. My deepest wounds are my greatest gifts – all the ways I wasn’t seen allows me to see others and share the truth of who they are.

you are the healer

In my healing practice, I notice we are often unaware of how much our own power is restricted. And as a result, how much we are limited until we begin to explore into those tight spaces between structure, softness, and awareness.

Together we will explore those spaces. We will find ways to increase gratitude in all you’ve journeyed through so experiences can be both healing and transformative. We will unlock your innate healing powers to unearth what has been forgotten to reclaim the fragmented parts that will lead you back to your wholeness. We will unlock your power. 

You are meant to be here. You are meant to inspire. You have a story. You are the healer.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
— Maya Angelou —