be.sacred - June
4:00 PM16:00

be.sacred - June

Special Ritual Offering

How do you make space for yourself? be. SACRED is a monthly gathering to connect you to your center. We’ve been doing the work, you’ve been doing the work, yet learning to embrace ourselves in our becoming can be challenging. This year brings a call to go deeper and awaken our inner guidance — this happens inside the sacred pause of ceremony and ritual. Each gathering includes a group tarot reading with a monthly energy forecast, meditation, intentional conversation, journal reflections and ritual to help you step into the next month feeling more aligned.

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Self Reflection, Ceremony & Flower Foraging Workshop with Bridget Ambrose
6:30 PM18:30

Self Reflection, Ceremony & Flower Foraging Workshop with Bridget Ambrose

Summer is the perfect time to reconnect to the wild succulent and intuitive parts of you that are ready to emerge. So many of us are go-getters and the pace of life can often feel hectic. Gathering in ceremony allows us to slow down, tap back into our joy, and extend that back out into the world. Bring your journal and come take quiet refuge among the flowers and give yourself the gift of pause and softness. 

Please join us for a nurturing evening that will leave you feeling connected to your own magic. Energy Intuitive Healer Bridget Ambrose leads us in an evening of self-reflection and ceremony to create intentional ways of bringing ease, beauty and connection into your life. 

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be.sacred - May
4:00 PM16:00

be.sacred - May

Special Ritual Offering

How do you make space for yourself? be. SACRED is a monthly gathering designed to connect you to your center. We’ve been doing the work, you’ve been doing the work, yet learning to embrace ourselves in our becoming can be challenging. This year brings a call to go deeper and awaken our inner guidance — this happens inside the sacred pause of ceremony and ritual. Each gathering includes a group tarot reading with a monthly energy forecast, meditation, intentional conversation, journal reflections and ritual to help you step into the next month feeling more aligned.

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be.sacred - APRIL
4:00 PM16:00

be.sacred - APRIL

Special Ritual Offering

How do you make space for yourself? be. SACRED is a monthly gathering designed to connect you to your center. We’ve been doing the work, you’ve been doing the work, yet learning to embrace ourselves in our becoming can be challenging. This year brings a call to go deeper and awaken our inner guidance — this happens inside the sacred pause of ceremony and ritual. Each gathering includes a group tarot reading with a monthly energy forecast, meditation, intentional conversation, journal reflections and ritual to help you step into the next month feeling more aligned.

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be.sacred - MARCH
4:00 PM16:00

be.sacred - MARCH

Special Ritual Offering

How do you make space for yourself? be. SACRED is a monthly gathering designed to connect you to your center. We’ve been doing the work, you’ve been doing the work, yet learning to embrace ourselves in our becoming can be challenging. This year brings a call to go deeper and awaken our inner guidance — this happens inside the sacred pause of ceremony and ritual. Each gathering includes a group tarot reading with a monthly energy forecast, meditation, intentional conversation, journal reflections and ritual to help you step into the next month feeling more aligned.

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6:00 PM18:00


Meet yourself where you are. That’s where the real beauty is. That’s the gateway to where you want to go. We’ve been doing the work, you’ve been doing the work. Winter is fading into spring making it the perfect time to reclaim the wild intuitive parts of you that perhaps have been dormant for you.  

Come learn more about how to work with the potent energy of spring and connect to your intuition, healing and love through self-care. 

Join us for a mystic night and tap into your own magic. We will start the night off with a guided meditation and group tarot reading and move into ways we can create ritual and self-care to really cultivate and grow the life you desire. 

Where are you struggling to receive at this moment of your life? How  you like to expand your capacity to receive more - more guidance, more abundance, more joy, more love? 

With a background in psychology, reiki, craniosacral therapy and the tarot, Energy Intuitive Healer Bridget Ambrose leads us in an evening of self-reflection, ritual and how to create intentional ways of re-centering in your home and daily life. 

April 7th from 6P - 8P, APORTA Shop - 117 W Front Street
 There are 13 spots available. Apologies but no refunds on workshops.

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Seasonal Intuitive Tarot
6:00 PM18:00

Seasonal Intuitive Tarot

Seasons change as a reminder of our connection to eternal transformation. Just like the seasons we too have an innate ability to change, to heal, to transform. Yet for many of us it can be challenging to know where to change, what’s keeping us stuck and how to trust in the healing process of transformation.

The veil between realms thins on October 31st making it easier to see, hear, and feel beyond our world and connect to your wisdom within and throughout the cosmos.

Come learn more about how to work with this potent energy and connect to your innate healing abilities and intuition through the Tarot. October 15 from 6P - 8P.

Join us for a mystic night and tap into your own magic. We will start the night off with a guided meditation and group reading. You will learn more about choosing and connecting to your tarot deck, how to drop-in before a reading and to trust your intuition in relation to the cards. Autumn is the perfect time for creating spreads for reflection, release and renewal. This workshop will provide you with a deeper connection to your own wisdom, confidence in creating spreads and using the cards to get clarity insight, and direction in any aspect of your life.

With a background in psychology, reiki and craniosacral therapy Bridget sees the tarot as a beautiful visual tool to guide us deeper into ourselves that helps us see the parallels between the stories within the cards and our own experiences. Big or small, mundane or metaphysical, the tarot can be used as an effective and powerful way of gathering information and laying out what’s possible.

This will be a fun evening of learning to work more intuitively with your tarot deck by trusting your inner compass as we prepare for the darker months ahead.

If you’ve got your own tarot deck bring it! If you’ve always wanted one nows the time to get one and bring it to the workshop. Otherwise Bridget will have plenty of decks for use and some for sale.

October 15 from 6P - 8P, APORTA Shop - 117 W Front Street
 Workshop fee is $40, there are 13 spots available. Apologies but no refunds on workshops.

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