What is Tarot?

There is nothing more steeped in mystery as the 78 cards of the tarot, yet the emotions and experiences uncovered are universal.

It is a common misconception that the cards have some power to dictate the events of one’s life. When worried or experiencing indecision, there is often this belief that if we know about our future we will feel calm. Though the cards have a reputation for predicting the future, their gift is really that of the past.

The tarot has a way of opening our understanding of the past, allowing us to tap into the wisdom available in the present moment. When we align to the present moment we soften the influence of the past. We never really know what each day will bring. Yet within the unknown, we can bring more listening, more grace and the willingness to ask ourselves how we want to show up.

All readings are an invitation to heal, an opportunity for compassion over rejection, a way to link into your vitality — your soul’s purpose. The cards simply bring you back home to yourself — a place we all want to find. 

Short reading $120

What are you carrying that keeps you from being your fullest?

These shorter yet direct readings can be very supportive when you are searching for some clarity, reassurance and grounding around a particular situation or life event.

They are a wonderful way to complement or further integrate a healing session or can serve as a follow up to a full reading. They also make a great gift for someone.

This 30 - 40 minute reading takes place over Zoom video and is followed up with a beautiful photograph of your cards.

What To Expect

Readings take place over Zoom video and connect us remotely from the comfort of your home. It can be useful to have a few specific questions in mind to ensure some actionable answers. This reading will provide guidance and direction in any area of your life to help you get right to the heart of the matter.

Full Reading $250

How do you care for yourself in times of big change? These 75 minute in-depth, channeled readings are heart-centered with a down to earth approach. 

We all have moments of self-doubt and critical narratives that make it hard to trust our inner compass. These longer readings are designed to help you navigate what is showing up in your life and support you by connecting you to the wisdom that already exists within you.

Within 48 hours of your reading, you will receive a beautiful photo of your cards along with a ritual and suggested tools to support your integration.

What To Expect

Readings take place over Zoom video and connect us remotely from the comfort of your home. The container I hold for you begins a few days prior to your reading. Once booked you’ll receive some suggestions on how to create a sacred container both before and after your reading to really anchor into the energy that will empower you to live with intention and your aligned purpose.

Group Reading $350 +

Group tarot readings are a fun way to create a shared connection and cultivate a deeper bond with your friends, family, or colleagues.

I offer readings for private gatherings, retreats, and celebrations. Group readings make for a unique and effective form of group facilitation in business settings by providing each person with fresh perspective that raises the vibration of the organization.

By working as a group, we are able to anchor into larger cycles of growth that encourage alignment on your individual path within the collective. There is something powerful that happens in a group that invites everyone into a deeper connection to everyday magic. We truly are all connected in a process — this is why collective readings work. 

From my clients

I first found Bridget during the pandemic when I was searching for something to help me understand what we were all going through and that everything was going to be OK. I wrote in my journal after our first session together: “I sat in stillness for an hour listening to someone in mountain time unfold cards that spoke my internal dialogue outloud. How could she have known all that my heart felt, but I couldn’t say? It was like having a cup of tea with an old friend; one that picks up where you last left off and who you don’t have to explain anything to about who you really are”. Ever since then I have booked a yearly reading with Bridget and find myself coming back to the beautiful recap that she provides or pearls I wrote down that came through for her as she reads the cards, my energy, my ancestry. She is certainly a healer in the truest sense and you should certainly book a session with her in whatever form feels good!
— Allison, Connecticut
I have used quite a few holistic energy intuitives, & tarot readers throughout my life and Bridget Ambrose is truly gifted. I have had 2 remote (zoom) readings by her, one last year and one in last 2 months, and they were both during major transitions in my life, and each reading landed me in a new realm, a new language and a place for me to create from, BRILLIANT to say the least.
— Beth, New York NY
I had what I consider to be one of the most life-changing experiences with you last Thursday. THANK YOU for giving me a gift I have never received before...the gift of understanding, strength and forgiveness for myself. I really can’t thank you enough.
— Amanda, Los Angeles CA